Cycling The Romantic Road

  • Day 10 - The End & Summary

    Total cycling days7  Total kms460km  Longest day 97km (Hirchaid – Bamberg – Bergrheinfeld) Shortest day 44km (Wurzburg – Frankfurt) Highest elevation525m...
  • Day 9 - Packing the bicycle

    The acquisition of the bike box and packing almost rivaled an Indiana Jones script.The information desk sent me to the long term luggage storage. The hel...
  • Day 9 - Bergrheinfeld to Frankfurt

    With the church being directly across the road, I expected an early start, but not 5:30am, when the bells started.As I was not sure if breakfast was incl...
  • Day 8: Hirschaid - Bamberg

    We awoke to another sunny day, although thunderstorms were predicted. The completion of keeping the blog up to date has become very competetive. Geoff ha...
  • Day 6 Wald - Nurnberg

    We cycled into Nurnberg, Nuremberg today. It was a long day and we covered 66km, ending up getting lost in a muddy trail in the forest. Even with 2x GPS...
  • Day 7 - Nuremberg to Hirschaid

    We tried to make an early start. There was a lot of noise overnight, and on the 2nd floor there was a broken glassed door. Breakfast was another German f...
  • Day 5 Dinkelsbuhl - Wald.

    After our earliest start of 9:15 we headed off towards Gunzenhausen /Wald . It was a beautiful day. A local on an ebike stopped us and tried to convince ...
  • Day 4 - Rothenburg o.d.t - Dinkelsbuhl.

    I fell asleep early, being tired from jet lag. The weather is clearer, but the floods are the worst in 400yrs. They are worst on Danube, on the east side...
  • Day 3 - Wurzburg - Rothenburg

    Today's plan is for a longer day, riding away from river as the tracks are flooded. Robin booked a hotel last night via Internet, as is their normal rout...
  • Day 2 - Frankfurt - Wurzburg

    After an early start due to my body clock, I threw out all unnecessary paperwork and packed. It was then I discovered I lost my prescription sunglasses, ...
  • Day 1 - Sydney - Beijing - Frankfurt [Part 2]

    The bike took a while to come thru oversized luggage. The staples on the bottom had given way & they appeared to repack it & just turn the biox o...
  • Day 1 - Sydney - Beijing - Frankfurt [Part 1]

    After agood 12 hr flight on a full plane, featuring a 13+ yr old inflightentertainment system, I headed to get a short stay visa. No problems with that(n...
  • Day 0 - departure from Sydney

    After a stressful night before extracting a seized carbon seat post from the steel frame, I packed the bike into the cardboard box and it came in at 17kg...
  • Day minus 5

    Just 5 days till I fly to Frankfurt, to meet Robin and Geoff who are spending 6 weeks to riding from Amsterdam to Prague. My time is limited to 8 days of...
  • Day minus 28

    Preparation underway. Choice of the bicycle to take:1. CLX Colnago 2008 - carbon & 5 yrs old and still special. Weekend use and triathlons2. 20 yr ol...