Dist : 200.54 km
Riding time: 10:01
Total time (including stops) : 12:00
Stops: 3
Climb meters up/down 1,355 /1,538
Max height: 351m at 18:15
Wind: 40% tailwind & 60% headwind

The weather improved, with just some drizzle periods, mainly going through Glasgow. There was lots of signage and construction for the Commonwealth Games in July.

Just north of Glasgow I passed by rows and rows of concrete sheds which turned out to be the storage for Dywers Whisky

Loch Lomond was very scenic, with the fog on the hills.

A late lunch of a ham & cheese toastie was had a lovely little tea house in Tarbet. It had a fine collection of "Duchess" and "Majestic" fine bone china cup and saucers for a cup of tea. I had a coke, but still admired them on the table.

There were two long, gradual climbs in the day, both above 330m, and the descents down were welcome, especially the last one into Glencoe. It had been my original destination, but due to the high cost of one night's shelter (>£65 or AU$130), I picked a cheap hostel just out of Fort William. As it was now 19:30, I called ahead to let them know I would be late, and would get dinner in Fort William.

Arriving at my destination after my longest day deserved celebration, and I had a glass of wine with my vegetable lasagna. As sunset was not until 22:00, I had enough time for dinner and still enough light to cycle the 5 km to the hostel.

Being last into a shared room meant I got the worst bed, top bunk near the door.

Tomorrow is past Loch Ness and the Urquhart Castle we saw whilst back packing 31 yrs ago. It is shorter day at 131 km and weather predicted to be fine.
