Day 10 - Araquipa - Chivoy
Day 10- Araquipa- Chivay (Colca Canyon)
We were picked up at 8:00am for the trip to the Colca Canyon, which is about 5000m deep. We had a number of stops to acclimatize to the altitude, the first being at 4018m to see the house shaped rocks and try the traditional coca leaf tea. The later is supposed to help with altitude sickness. We also tried the more traditional drink of Coca Cola, which also has good remedial powers.
The highest road pass was 4910m where we saw a snow covered smoking volcano. On different sides the water flows to the Pacific Ocean (25%) or down the Amazon to the Atlantic.
In Chivay we had lunch, then a look around the markets including the non refrigerated lama carcasses being cut up. We also learnt they grow 52 types of corn in the valley, and 2000 species of potatoes in Peru.
After a good 1 hr walk to a high point we had a spa at hot springs.
Dinner was pizza with other in the group then sleep for a 5:30 start. The hotel is pretty basic, but compared to the town its "luxury".