Departed Broken Hill at 7:05, with a lot of riding ahead. It was cloudy and I was about one hour ahead of the southerly front. The cross wind to wilcania was severe, requiring a lot of effort to stay traveling straight. I refueled with both petrol and another great bacon & egg roll at Emmdale Roadhouse 90km east of Willcannia.

The farming moved into more cotton and sheep passed Cobar and nyngan and the flat, treeless plains where now behind me.

The plan to refuel at Nevertire didn't happen,as the old lady that ran the general store had got out of petrol (according to the local watching the passing trucks at the general store). So with the gauge flashing almost empty (I think that starts at 4ltrs left), I rode the 30km to Trangie at 60km/hr.

After filling the tank, the rain came down. The road had been wet in places, with a few drops, but this was my first wet weather in two weeks, and a big contrast to the 37deg / 5% humidity when entering NT.

I stopped for a photo at Narromine airfield, which is world famous for gliding. Also, it is where we arrived a day late once to see Buzz Aldrin and a replica of the Kitty Hawk flying- I'm still reminded of my mistake.

From Wellington, I took the scenic and shorter route (according to google maps). Good idea on a sunny day, but not so today.

Arrived wet in Orange at 19:00, after forgetting to check for thunderstorms after deciding to push on from dry Wellington.

It was too wet to go out to dinner, so that was a cup of tea and breakfast bar, followed by an early night before final day into Sydney.

899km and 9:34 in the saddle today (includes 2:43 rest time)





